To discuss or set up a personal or group retreat, contact Kecia Joy:
808 344 1912
To schedule a personal channeling session, contact Mirra Rose:
808 281 2802
Sachin Hazen Holistic Psychotherapist & Intuitive
SACHIN HAZEN, intuitive reader, therapist, teacher, healer has helped people all over the world to develop inner resources, release emotional blocks and trauma, and ultimately lead lives of joy, fulfillment, and purpose.
Goddess of mercy and compassion
Stickeen Introduction by Dan E. Anderson and Harold Wood In 1880, John Muir made his second trip to Alaska. On this trip he explored Brady Glacier, which empties into Taylor Bay in what is now Glacier Bay National Park, with a friend’s dog, Stickeen. Muir was a great story teller and he told this story […]
~channeled by Mirra Rose, June, 2014 Q: “How are we doing in our Ascension process?” When you consider how difficult and long the process has been for humanity, then you must say that NOW is an accelerated and glorious time of victory and celebration. For, as the frequencies quicken, you may see a transformation–not simply […]
In April I picked up a young Canadian hitchhiker who had just arrived on Maui: an 18 year old Keiki Ananda, a Child of Bliss, away from home for the first time. Before he left two weeks later he had a vision which to me exemplifies how heaven is being created on earth: I saw […]
From death to life eternal, from this world to the sky
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