~channeled by Mirra Rose, June, 2014
Q: “How are we doing in our Ascension process?”
When you consider how difficult and long the process has been for humanity, then you must say that NOW is an accelerated and glorious time of victory and celebration. For, as the frequencies quicken, you may see a transformation–not simply a gradual and slow improvement.
These are the days of decision, the turning of the tide . . . when the cup is filled and begins to overflow, becoming a fountain of Truth and Beauty.
It has taken long centuries for humanity to approach mass ascension, but like a mother whose time has come, the birthing is upon us, and the child of the New Earth can no longer remain in the womb . . . she must emerge, in delight and joy, and taste the freedom of a new existence.
All of you who carry the hope of Heaven on Earth, like a light in your hearts, have waited life upon life for this opportunity . . . and this is the moment. Time lines converge, possible worlds become realities, and it is the Zero Point where eternity overturns time and the infinite becomes all space . . . turning itself inside out into a new dimension, a new space in time.
We have come at last, beautiful children of a marvelous dawn, into a New World of breathtaking beauty . . . and like the snake who bites its own tail, we have come from Heaven onto the Earth only for it to become Heaven once again. It is our destiny to fulfill our dreams.
You ask, “How are we doing in this glorious ride, this ascension process?”
And we would say, it is like the gathering tide whose power and force wash across the shore of a new land . . . irrepressible, joyous, triumphant. You cannot but succeed, for when you were conceived in the mind of the infinite, your destiny was already declared, and so it is that the inconceivable became the undisputed truth.
You shall succeed, the dream shall live; and the Mother pours her heart out upon the waiting world, tossing her pearls to the infinite like so many jewels or blossoms of light. You have given yourselves in surrender and sacrificed your suffering that it may become joy.
Rest, then, in the embrace of eternal love captured from sorrow, reclaimed from pain. You are freed at last to open your eyes fully to the marvels of absolute truth and perfect joy.
Blessings from the One Being . . . the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Mother of Love and the Father of Light . . . for we are now married, and our Oneness is celebrated by all.
Love, love, love, endless love.